Boer Goat exports

Trusted in numerous countries since 2006

Patriot Boer Goat Stud exports top quality full blood, pure bred and disease free animals throughout Africa and to a number of countries across the world.  Since 2006 we have exported to a number of countries including Abu Dhabi, and Dubai in the UAE, Angola, Botswana, Bangladesh, DRC, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and others.

South Africa is the home of the Boer Goat – the standard against which all meat goats worldwide are measured and Patriot Boer Goat Stud is one of the few breeders in South Africa that complies with all legislation and regulations for exporting outstanding quality Boer Goats from my flocks. It makes a great deal of sense to import from a breeder who has been involved in the Boer Goat industry since 1994.

We deliver a total service:

  • supply of top quality pure-bred Boer Goats,
  • quarantine on a registered facility on our farm,
  • all veterinary tests as required by the import permit,
  • inspections and registrations by the relevant authorities,
  • certification by the South African State Veterinarian,
  • all the required permits, health certificates and others for export,
  • Transportation and air freight,
  • all administration and documentation.


Patriot Boer Goat Stud is registered with the South African Boer Goat Breeders’ Society, with South African Studbook and with the exporting authorities in South Africa so you are protected at all times in your dealings with us.

If you are interested in starting a Boer Goat breeding operation in your country or are looking at significantly upgrading the quality of your flocks in terms of fertility, hardiness, adaptability and meat carrying capacity, we have the right animals for you.

Quarantine Facilities

Patriot Boer Goat Stud has registered quarantine facilities on the farm that have been constructed according to the guidelines as stipulated by State Veterinarians and the Department of Agriculture.


Please read before emailing us.


  • How can I as an importer be assured that Patriot Boer Goats is not a scam?

    My name is Johan Steyn, I have been producing top-quality Boer Goats for more than 31 years and exporting globally for 19 years. I am aware that there are many scams and criminals in this industry, as with many other industries. A quick internet search will bring up numerous references and photographs of myself and my Boer Goats. I am well-known and respected in the industry.

    My direct mobile number is +27 zero six three six two zero four seven zero six. I have no other contact numbers.  We do not advertise on JunkMail, Gumtree, FaceBook or any other on-line platforms. You are welcome to call or Whatsapp me to confirm my authenticity.  I have limited mobile coverage on my farm but will call you back if you don’t reach me.

  • What is the minimum number of Boer Goats I can import?

    The capacity of a single deck air freight crate is 25 animals so this is the most cost-effective number of animals to import.  Fewer animals can be imported but the unit cost increases.


  • What is the age of exported Boer Goats?

    The youngest Boer Goats we export are around 10 months old. Ages are normally around 12 – 14 months.  Young animals adapt better to their new environment, are better able to handle the stresses involved in such a long journey and provide the buyer with a longer production life.

    We do not export kids or doelings, nor late pregnant does due to the risk of mortalities or abortions.

  • To which countries do you export?

    We export to any country whose veterinary requirements can be met by South Africa and which country allows imports from South Africa.  Europe, Canada, the USA and a few other countries do not allow live animal imports from South Africa, or the import requirements are too onerous to make it a viable proposition.

  • How do I make payment?

    Payment is made in advance before Boer Goats enter the quarantine station. We do not work with Letters of Credit (LC). Countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal require payment only by LC so exporting to these countries is not always possible.  Please check with your local authorities for the latest regulations as these do change from time to time.

  • How are animals transported?

    Boer Goats being exported to SADEC countries like Eswatini, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia are transported by road.  Boer Goats to all other countries are sent by air freight. This is due to the long distances involved and the undue stress this places on the animals. In 19 years of exports, we have never had one single mortality en route, nor any injuries. We are proud of our record in this regard and aim to maintain it.

    Not all countries are served by suitable flights for live animals and in this instance we are not able to export to that specific country.

    Road freight is often subject to corrupt demands for bribes at border posts or road blocks to expedite border crossings.  These can be substantial sums and is an unjust increase in costs for the buyer.

  •  What is involved in exporting live Boer Goats?

    The buyer will need to provide a pro-forma import permit or the import requirements for his country. Once we are in receipt of this we can determine what the various requirements are.  These can include various blood tests, vaccinations, quarantine period, State Vet and/or Breeders’ Association inspections and the like.

  • Can I visit your farm

    Yes, you are very welcome to visit the farm and view our operations here.  The farm is around 650 km from Johannesburg airport. We can provide contact details for accommodation and transfers from airports for potential buyers.  Accommodation is available at comfortable guesthouses in town or at the Phillipolis Hotel. Phillipolis is around 40km of good gravel road from the farm.

Patriot Boer Goat Stud export to Bangladesh

An' Am Agro, Bangladesh

Patriot Boer Goat Stud export to Eswatini

Joseph Waring, Eswatini

Patriot Boer Goat Stud export to Rwanda

Fredrick Kateera, importer of the first ever Boer Goats into Rwanda.

Patriot Boer Goat Stud export to Uganda

Vicent Museke, Uganda

Sudanese Government, largest consignment exported by Patriot Boer Goat Stud, 430 animals.

Patriot Boer Goat Stud export to Uganda

Vince Dewar, Uganda

Colin Eves, Zambia

Colin Eves, Zambia

Patriot Boer Goat exports

James Banda, Zambian importer of Patriot Boer Goats

Patriot Boer Goat export

Dubai Boer Goat export by Patriot Boer Goats

Ali Busjaim, Abu Dhabi

Tim Hammond, Botswana

Patriot Boer Goats destined for Dubai

Mahmoud Idris, Uganda

Patriot Boer Goat exports

Donald Inambao, Botswana

Patriot Boer Goat exports

Hendrik de Witte, DRC

Patriot Boer Goat export

Jonathan Nhovo, Zimbabwe

Loeto, Botswana

"Our honesty, integrity and trustworthiness has gained us many valued clients in more than 20 countries. We thank them for their trust in our goats and abilities.”
